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StampScan 1.2.3

StampScan StampScan 1.2.3

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StampScan Publisher's Description

Stamp scanning software. Scan whole album page at once and save stamp images individually.

Collecting and organizing stamps is already a time consuming activity. Scanning complete collections is a huge undertaking. StampScan has been developed to speed up this task considerably. Individual stamps will be automatically recognized by the software after scanning. It is possible to adjust detection - add or remove detected stamps manually. Save in several formats: JPG, PNG, TIF, GIF

What's New in Version 1.2.3 of StampScan

Finetune toolbox will let you choose different stamps to work with while it's open. Use right or left mouse click to select a different stamp.
Autodetection improved again: less sensitive to noise. Also added a background color selector (light vs dark) so you can help the software find stamps.

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